It is the process by which criminals desguise the original ownershop and control of the proceeds of criminal conduct by making such proceeds appear to have derived from a legitimate source.
Yes, there are risks associated to clients, companies, agents or administrators, A requisite degree of knowledge or suspicion relating to the source of the funds or the conduct of a client.
When clients are unknown, or their identity cannot be verified. When they have their residence in tax havens or are linked to political life.
Companies created with cash or companies that upon creation transmited 1% of the participation interest to third parties to avoid the declaration of sole member, or companies constituted with real properties that have been valued below market prices, amongst others.
Transactions consisting of prices below market conditions, transactions that, either by nature or volume (spend) does not correspond to the social/normal standards of the client, transactions done through international bank transfers that do not clearly identify the issuer nor his/her bank account.
Implementing a preventive model plan (MPD) on a proactive way to mitigate the risks and support your defence in case of criminal responsabilities.