To ensure that your company and all the individuals working in it maintain and promote the highest standards of legal and regulatory compliance, it is important to have a compliance officer working closely with the Managing Partner, the Board or the Risk Committee to ensure co-ordination and alignment with your business objectives and keep accountability in respect of all areas of risk.
We act as a first point of contact for internal risk and compliance queries. We address all areas of legal and regulatory compliance, including issues concerning the regulation of the firm, its international operations, its adjacent businesses, and its lawyers.
Specific legal, regulatory and compliance issues include: conflicts, sanctions, information security and confidentiality issues, market abuse, share dealing, outside interests, publicity, data protection, consumer legislation, audit letters…
A proactive compliance plan makes a difference as you demonstrate that you are always compliant, and have implemented the necessary resources. So you clearly demonstrate that you are legally reliable and therefore reduce your financial, legal, environmental, reputational and safety risks, with all the potential costs of non-compliance. Also, your executive management has full visibility of the current compliance state of the organisation.
We take care of the preparation, drafting and presentation of the corresponding complaint or complaint of the crime, as well as the legal assistance you may need, if you are the defendant or defendant as the alleged perpetrator or participant of a criminal offense.
Our experience allows us to advise you, both from the perspective of the accusation and the defense, maintaining a proactive conduct with the investigating judge from the first procedural proceedings.
The preparation of the evidence that must be practiced in the court, from the statements of the parties, the testimonies and the experts until the oral trial, requires an exhaustive analysis of all the circumstances that surround each case. At this point, our complicity and your confidence will be essential for a good judicial outcome.
As trial lawyers, we take care of the preparation, drafting and presentation to the courts and tribunals of the documents necessary for the exercise of legal actions that will safeguard your rights.
Our experience allows us to advise you on the moment and the procedural position that you will have to adopt for the success of your pretensions.
We analyze the available evidence and the possibility of gathering other evidence from the parties involved or from third parties, even before initiating the judicial procedure, to accredit the facts that will legally base our arguments.
We coordinate all procedural actions until the conclusion of the trial or the achievement of a transactional agreement.
We define the challenge of unfavorable judicial decisions millimeter to delimit the viability of resources and estimation of costs and profits.
We value what legal instruments we have to help you
We talk about it?