The right to receive a compensatory benefit and the right to financial compensation for work reasons.
When the breaking of the cohabitation by the dissolution of the marriage implies that the economic situation of one of the spouses is more prejudiced than the other, the injured party has the right to demand a compensatory benefit to maintain the standard of living that he had during the marriage, taking into account their economic perspectives, age and health.
When there is an improvement in the economic situation of the creditor or a worsening of the economic situation of the debtor, among others.
The payer may reduce its general base in the IRPF.
The receiver, as a work performance in the IRPF.
When the marriage of the married spouses is dissolved in an economic regime of separation of property (all marriages celebrated in Catalonia, unless otherwise agreed), the spouse who has dedicated himself or herself to the family, to the children or to the business of the another during the years of validity of the marriage is entitled to financial compensation for work reasons, provided that the other has had a higher increase in their assets.
The economic compensation for work reasons should be paid with money, unless the parties agree otherwise. However, any of them can ask the judge to make the payment with certain assets. In this case, the judicial authority will decide.